Easier loans for car buyers


New Member
According to WTVG, car dealers are making it easier to get loans, making car buying easier for consumers. More car purchases are often an indicator of improved economy, so this is great news!


New Member
My mail is flooded with all types of stuff, yesterday I got back from work and was checking and saw a 30k loan offer from Capital One I think? They had a set APR that was not explained so I pitched it out, besides I already have vehicles I do not need more.


New Member
I don't think this would be a sign of an improved economy. I feel this is more of a sign that the car dealers are hurting due to the still poor economy.


New Member
I was thinking the same thing as Smooth, but after reading the article I changed my mind. It looks like the reason it's becoming easier to get loans is because banks are more willing to lend money to those with average credit. That sounds like a sign of growing confidence, which is indeed great news.


New Member
There is one local place that is family run and they help with just about anyone. I wish more places were like this now. Anytime a company gets too big for its britches we all feel the pain from it.


New Member
I don't know if this is a sign the economy is improved, because I get them too. But I do think it has. I see a lot of new cars on the road and I personally know severl people who have bought houses recently. Maybe the overall economy hasn't improved, but it has for some peoples personal economies.


New Member
The name of the game for the economy is to keep cash flowing and moving. Dealers can't sell cars if people can't get credit. If people can't get credit and buy stuff, the cash won't flow.


New Member
It seems that the dealers who offer dealer financing are getting a bit more lenient about offering people loans. That could mean the economy is hurting and that's what they feel forced to do to sell cars.