Electronic System gone wild


New Member
My husband has an older Denali and his electronic system seems to be possessed. All the dash dials flash off and on from time to time and it has this ticking noise from what we believe to be the light sensor. Anyone else experience this and if so what did you do about it?


New Member
It sounds like it might be time to take it in to a shop and have them run some diagnostic testing on it. I have never had this happen but if the computer goes, it could get dangerous and expensive. It is best to get it fixed before the problem gets worse.


New Member
Freaky! I would take it to the shop too. I bet it's a shorted wire somewhere. They can probably fix it if it's not too old. I've never had anything happen like this before.


New Member
Flashing on an off like that sounds like a disruption within the wiring. Sounds like a short. Since it's an older car he may be able to run the diagnostic himself.


New Member
I had this same problem a while back and it was only a fuse going bad. Take it to the shop and be sure though. Don't mess around with your wiring. Bad things happen with wiring.