Engine Coolant


New Member
How often does a engine coolant should be changed in the car? How to check whether the coolant should be changed or not?


New Member
There is always a pressure meter in the driving section. Usually only during long drive only the meter shows engine heat. But if it shows frequently it may be due to coolant.


New Member
I dont have much knowledge on this but the coolant work is to cool the engine i guess and so if it fails, change the coolant.


New Member
Check with a service center if you feel that the coolant need to be changed.
That would solve the problem.


New Member
Coolant reservior..

Just opened one up...
To operate properly, doesn't a coolant reservoir need to dump/draw from the bottom of the tank?This reservoir dumps the expanding coolant into the top of the reservoir.When the system cools down, it's going to draw air (not coolant) back into my radiator... sort of defeating the whole purpose of this tank.

I can't mount it upside-down, it has a vented cap.

Am I missing something? Is my tank defective? Seems like it should have a tube (inside the tank) leading from the inlet nipple down to (near) the bottom of the reservoir.


New Member
That sounds weird, jansengeorge! Usually the extra reservoir does have tubes going both ways.

As for *changing* coolant, my understanding is that, while coolant may need to be added occasionally, it generally doesn't need to be *changed* because it does not become contaminated.