Favorite car color?


New Member
I've read that silver and white are the two most popular automobile colors. I have no intention of ever buying a silver or white car. My choice would be red, green or blue. What color car would you rather have if you could have your choice of any color, regardless of the current trends in car color?


New Member
At the auto show they had the sweetest dark candy apple red paint on a concept car I loved. The paint had those little flecks in it making it look even more awesome.


New Member
I've always been a sucker for red cars. Red just looks so sexy for a car, but it also makes it look fast, regardless of the make of the car. My Honda is white and I hate it. It looks so generic and it's hard to wax, because you can hardly see the wax on the car, so you don't know if you've missed a spot or not.


New Member
Car color

I used to love driving the hottest color that came out. Now I've gone to jet black whenever I had a choice. I like the darker, sleeker colors. I would never consider a white or silver car. They are just too ordinary for me.


New Member
I know some people complain that it shows too much dirt, but I love black. I think it's classic and it looks good on just about any vehicle.