Finding Parts


New Member
I have finally decided I am going to find a van like mine and buy it in order to have parts available for this vehicle. I am tired of having to scramble around to find parts and I'm not going to get rid of it. I just paid the thing off and I really don't want to buy something else right now. So, the next best thing I can think of is buying a van to set at my barn to harvest parts from.


New Member
What kind of van do you have that you can't find parts for it? I usually don't have any problem going to the junkyard and finding what I need. If you can find another though that is probably a good plan.


New Member
I have never really had trouble finding parts either but if you do then getting a second vehicle would be your best bet. Good luck finding one for parts!


New Member
We've done that a couple of times Wildman. Especially when the kids were home. Teenagers driving just demand spare parts every now and then. I think it's a great idea. Go get your junker and use all the parts you can from it. Good luck!


New Member
Find one that isn't running and offer to take it off somebody's hands for very little money. That would be a win-win for both parties.