Forgetting your kids


New Member
I have heard a couple stories this week about people forgetting their small children at Chuck E Cheese and not just for a minute or two but in one case overnight. How do you not notice that you are missing a child for that long? Have you ever forgotten your child anywhere?


New Member
I have never left my kids anywhere! I do not even leave them in the car at gas stations. It sounds like those parents did not forget, they just wanted a break! That is so beyond awful, those parents should be arrested. It really makes me sick, the way some parents behave!


New Member
Forgetting children

We had a case here a few years ago where a woman rushed to work one morning, got out of her car and worked all day on what was one of the hottest days of the summer. When she went to her car that afternoon, there was her small infant in his car seat in the back where she had forgotten to take him to the sitters that morning. I won't go into the details, but she was devastated. It's one of the worst stories I've ever heard of.


Staff member
The wife says I worry too much as I am always checking the back seat, especially when they are quite. Usually they make enough noise you cannot miss them.


New Member
I am like you Jason, constantly checking. I have never forgotten the kids but I have forgotten the stroller (which ended up getting backed over with the car), my purse and the diaper bag.


New Member
Checking the back seat

I don't even have children most of the time unless I am driving my nieces and nephews somewhere. Ever since this day, I always check the back seat. I could never live with myself if I locked up an animal or child in there for whatever reason. Checking is a small price to pay.


New Member
I read the same story about Chuck E. Cheese. Apparently there was miscommunication with a family member and the parents thought the kid went home with someone else. The car one I will never be able to understand. My kid is on my mind constantly, I can't imagine working all day and not realizing I didn't take him to the babysitter.


New Member
Striker, there were actually 2 cases of parents forgetting children at Chuck E Cheese within days of each other. One was the one you are talking about and the second the lady just plain didn't realize she forgot her 5 year old. She had 9 other children but you would think she would miss the one that was the reason for their trip to Chuck E Cheese in the first place (they were there for her birthday). She didn't notice she was gone until the next morning when she was getting the kids ready for school.


New Member
Wow! My Grandmother had 7 kids and she was able to keep track of them just fine. I can not imagine what was going through that little girls mind, I bet this incident is going to stick with her. What's more is not noticing until the next morning?! Sad.