Friday the 13th


New Member
Anyone here on the verge of being superstitious? I remember my mother was and would not even leave the house on a day like today. Heck I did not even realize it until I was in the office and someone mentioned it. Good thing I do not have 13th related bad luck, darn number follows me everywhere.
I'm not a superstitious person but I always get a kick out of it when other people are, like the day that a date falls on can actually make bad things happen to you! I wonder how Friday the 13th came to be such an auspicious day?


New Member
I am not superstitious at all. Friday the 13th never bothers me. I always say it`s a good luck day. I think it`s so funny how people will find everything that goes wrong on that particular day and blame it on bad luck day.


Staff member
I'm not a superstitious person but I always get a kick out of it when other people are, like the day that a date falls on can actually make bad things happen to you! I wonder how Friday the 13th came to be such an auspicious day?
Some say it was from the Templars arrest in 1307 on Friday, October 13th.

However, a more logical explanation is in 1907 there was a book written called Friday the Thirteenth. It dealt with the stock market and how shady things where happening in it. A big seller back then, but long forgotten about book now.


New Member
I am not superstitious but there were a few odd goings on today. My friends daughter got her cast off today, my sister's car door jammed and wouldn't shut, and my boyfriend bought a boat on a whim.


New Member
The only maybe hiccup that we really had was during the remodel work that we are doing for the house and it was minor with plumbing. Thankfully nothing flooded but we were down to just one bathroom in the house and that made a few people grumpy.


New Member
I didn't even know it had been another Friday, 13th. That goes to show you how superstitious I must be. My dad used to be really superstitious. He'd get on me for not going out the same door I came in. It got on my nerves.


New Member
Friday the 13th is generally a good day for me, not a bad. I actually look forward to them now instead of worrying like I did when I was a kid.