Gender bias, alive and well


New Member
I've been driving around on a donut for about a week and finally bought a tire. I went to a service station to have it mounted and asked what the charge would be. The mechanic tucked his thumbs in his belt loops, cleared his throat loudly and said, with a smile, I guess that''ll cost you $25.00. So, I cleared by throat loudly and said, I guess it won't if I can find someone else.


New Member
Don't you just hate that - although I did not think $25 sounded that bad did it? I am glad when a woman speaks up! Hello it's 2010- women do know something right! Hope you found a better deal!


New Member
How do you know he was being bias when he only did the thumbs deal and the price check? I mean, did he say anything else? What exactly makes you think he is against lady drivers?


New Member
Mounting a tire shouldn't cost that much, at least where I live. Honestly, I would think he would be leery of trying to rip off anyone let alone a woman. My wife knows what almost everything costs and that includes car repairs we've had done before.


New Member
I also think that's too costly. Mounting a tire is something simple for those whose job is doing it. But it doesn't always mean that he was gender bias, he might be just mean and greedy.


New Member
I think it was more of a mean and greedy issue than a gender bias issue. My boyfriend couldn't mount a tire to save his life and I can bet-because I've seen it happen-that they would tell him the same price. They figure if you can't do it yourself then they will rip you off because they can.


New Member
This just sounds strange to me because wherever I've bought my tire, the place has mounted it for free as long as I bought it from them. I can't think of a single time I've paid for a mounting - so I guess I can't judge what a fair price would be.


New Member
I have a friend who is a mechanic who told me some of the other mechanics do try to squeeze money out of people who look like they might not know any better. Not just females but young kids and men who do not look car savvy as well. I think it is just wrong.