Got the tree!


New Member
We were really busy and running a little behind this year but after walking around the tree farm for about an hour we chopped down the perfect tree. I was just tall enough for our living room and not too fat either. We don't have a lot of room and it is hard to judge size when they are outside. It all decorated and gorgeous.


New Member
Yeah! We are heading out in 10 minutes to get ours. I can't wait! I love it when the tree is in the house. Decorating it with the kids is such a fun time. We always have to cut a couple inches off the tree when we get it home.

Vroom Vroom

New Member
I guess we will probably get ours either mid-week or this coming weekend. We have a heat pump and it really dries the tree out, so we usually don't put it up until about a week before Christmas.


New Member
We got ours and boy is it prickly! We only put the lights on it so far. I wore gloves and still got pricked! We will decorate tonight! It is finally starting to feel like Christmas!


New Member
We had planned to get ours yesterday, but things changed around here, and it was dark before we even knew it. So we'll squeeze it in one night this week or first thing this weekend. Time's disappearing on us.


New Member
That is nothing, I am still running behind! We are going to get our tree on Friday but I have started to put everything else up today, so far the railing is wrapped and a few pieces are out but we still have far to go!

Vroom Vroom

New Member
I'm starting to wonder if we are going to have a tree. I have no clue at this point when we will even have the time to get one. Is it New Years yet?


New Member
Smash, we have only gotten real trees for the last 2 Christmases but so far we have a perfect record of not having to chop anything off of it. I stood in the living room and reached my hand up to see how far we had to the ceiling before we left then we generally measured each tree we saw fro height.