

New Member
Have you ever picked up a hitchhiker? If you see a hitchhiker, what factors would you consider to decide if you would stop for him/her or not?


New Member
I used to pick up hitchhikers, but I don't anymore, at least not usually. I'm not sure what would cause me to pick one up now that it can be such a risk.


New Member
I used to be a hitchhiker myself when I was younger, so I think I would tend to pick up hitchhikers. I am not sure what factors to consider when picking a hitchhiker. I think that would be OK if the person were a woman, or little, or looking like someone I could deal with physically.


New Member
Thanks guys. I have never picked up a hitchhiker myself. In the past that would be OK, but I wonder if you could still do it safely in today's world.


New Member
I would not pick up a hitcher at all, ever. I just don't have any desire to take those kinds of risks, and given that I'm normally travelling with my family, I wouldn't expose them to the risk either.


New Member
There is no way on earth I would ever pick up a hitchhiker. Not only because it's not safe, it's illegal in the area I live.


New Member
Nope, sorry I have not picked up any hitchhikers and I won't either. If it is a lady and her kids then I will pull over and offer to call someone for them, but I won't pick up anyone I don't know.


New Member
I would not pick up a hitchhiker and I feel bad because I don't. Most are people who are simply trying to get from one place to another. The way things are today, it's just too risky to take a chance on picking them up.


Staff member
I have never been the driver who picked up hitch hikers. But I've been in the vehicle before when some where picked up. My friend would always pick people up and put them in the back of his truck.


New Member
I did this one time and it came back to bite me. The person was actually wanted for running away from some type of "home, cops were called" issue and I felt so horrid after. I vowed to never do it again.


New Member
As a trucker, I see lots of hitch hikers while I'm working. Of course, it's against company policy to pick up a hitch hiker. I live in a small town, and if I see someone I know on foot, I will offer them a ride.

Dodge Doll

New Member
Only if it happens to be someone I know: the times have changed enough that I'm not likely to offer a stranger a ride anymore. A stranded motorist won't get me out of my vehicle, or the windows rolled down, but I will offer to call for help via my cell.

One of my colleagues was knifed by a 'customer', and the new vehicle out for a test drive, stolen.... um, even when it's supposedly 'safe', it isn't!


New Member
Since I am a woman, no I would never pick up a hitchhiker. It is just too dangerous. People are crazy nowadays. However, the only person I would pick up would be a very young teenager who is a girl. I wouldn't want a young girl to be picked up by a weirdo and I don't think someone that young could do me any harm.


New Member
To be honest, I have mixed feelings about this. For safety reasons, I would tend not to pick up a hitchhiker I saw on the road. But there is always chance that he/she really needs a ride.


New Member
I've never even considered it. It may have been a valid way to get around the country once upon a time when times felt a little 'safer' but today...I just think things are so crazy nowadays you can never know what to expect anymore. And the hitchhikers should feel the same way...I would never consider getting into a car with a stranger. Consider the kind of person who would pull over to pick someone up. The risk works both ways.


New Member
The only way I would pick up a hitchhiker is if the person seemed completely harmless and if I needed to have someone talk to me so I would stay awake while driving. Most likely though, I would not pick up a hitchhiker. It is so hard to trust people these days.