How did you pick your insurance company


New Member
I am so tired of seeing all these stupid car insurance commercials, but I wonder if they actually make anyone choose one company over another. How did you pick your insurance company Was it because of a commercial or some other reason.


New Member
I find all those commercials so annoying. I picked my insurance company because they were a company with long standing and the price was competitive.


New Member
Good plan fender! I have switched several times in the last few years. I went with Progressive and Geico both. I had problems with both so I switched back to All-State.


New Member
I checked prices with the ones that advertise, but they all came up higher than the one I use. I switched to this one a few years ago after I heard eight or ten people who used my old company got dropped for no apparent reason. I decided to switch to one that wasn't dropping people!


New Member
I just did the simple getting quotes from all the major insurance companies. I was already with All-State at the time I was splitting from my wife and I ended up just staying with them. There wasn't really much of a price difference between the companies except they were all more than my currecnt company.


New Member
I started out on my dad's car insurance policy so I just stuck with the same company, AAA, when I got old enough for my own policy. I liked the service they provided so I never changed.


New Member
Me, too, NNW. I am actually still on my dad's policy because it's cheaper that way (and I still live at home), but when I have to get my own, I'll probably use the same company.