How far do you drive?


New Member
Right now I drive about 5 minutes to work but my office is about to move so I will have to commute for 20 minutes in the morning now. How far do you commute to work?


New Member
At the moment I don't have to commute at all. I have an office at my apartment. I think that may change when I move though, as I'm moving across the country and might need to pick up another job.


New Member
1/2 hour there and 1/2 hour back, not counting if there is insane traffic and then take on anywhere from an extra 10 minutes to 40. I hate the idea of commuting but there are not many options for my line of work, working from home.


New Member
I drive 16 miles each way to work. It takes me about 25 minutes each way (speed limits you know). It stinks that your commute will be longer, but still 20 minutes is not bad.


New Member
Mostly just around town, and it is only about 15 miles from one end of town to the other. Thankfully, it saves wear and tear on the car to live in a town that small.


New Member
I drive around 20 minutes to work, depending on the traffic. I would love to work at home so I don't need to commute, but it currently is not an option for me, not yet.


New Member
Not very far anymore. My husband is retired and I am semi-retired working part time close to home now. In fact we didn't see a need for our second vehicle we drive so little.


New Member
Wow I am so jealous of all of you!! I drive 36 miles one way to work. With traffic (and lots of it!!) it takes me about an hour and twenty minutes to get to my job. Yes...I have just about a 3 hour commute each day. I listen to a lot of books on cd. Thankfully my office is moving in January and my commute will be 45 minutes one way. I'm so excited about it! That's life in the suburbs of New York City! :)


New Member
Wow, I love driving but I cannot imagine commuting for three hours a day. The good side is that you can listen to a lot of books on CD. It makes being on the road not so boring anymore.


New Member
Ares, the one positive I always tell people is that my commute gives me the opportunity to unwind from my day, get all the stress of the day behind me so that when I walk in the door I am ready to be with my family and not be all wound up from the job. Don't get me wrong, traffic is stressful and when you are in four lanes of bumper to bumper traffic for several miles it can get on your nerves quick, but I've gotten better at just making myself relax and listen to the cd's or my favorite jazz channel. I've gotten really good at letting things go!