How much stuff?


New Member
I always keep way too much stuff in my car. I try to clear it out every Friday, but it doesn't take any length of time at all before there are groceries, books, blankets, kids' clothes and papers all over the place, not to mention empty bottles and straw papers from soft drinks. How much stuff do you carry around?


New Member
You sound like my son Flipit. The only way you can prevent it is to clean it out every time you get out. Hubby and I are absolute slobs when we travel but I try to empty trash each time we stop at a rest area or service station. You just have to stay on top of it which is not easy to do all the time.


New Member
I keep very few things in my car and I never personalize it other than an air freshener. I keep a spare small bag in the center console along with a little spare change and cough drops. Otherwise it is almost always empty other than random dirt.