How often do you use your credit card?


New Member
How often do you use your credit card? I use mine probably every day, or at least every time I go shopping. Credit cards are just so useful and efficient - a plastic card that has absoultely no value if it's not yours, so it's 90% safe. Paying from plastic is also very good, and you don't have to pay your bills for a whole 30 day (1 month) period.

So how often do you use your credit card, and how many do you have?


New Member
I mostly use credit cards mainly for purchasing stuffs online and offline too , I find that using it to be quite easy stuff, than carrying money.


New Member
Well like everyone else said, I'm sure they will be more safely assured to carry credit cards around than pure cash, because even if you lose your card people can't take the money from it so easily (I'm talking about Visa). I use credit cards for virutally every purchase I make, unless I have some cash on me.


New Member
Well often, probably not, but I do use my credit card when I need to use it. I usually pay by cash every time I have the chance to, and my parents usually do the grocery shopping and all that for me anyways. I only use my debit card when I'm with my friends at the mall or something, but I usually have cash around me so I would say I use it about once every week. Not to say that I don't spend a lot when I do use it though haha. :D


New Member
Yeah.. I guess we can all conclude that credit cards are safe and we only use them when we really have to.. I mean that's like the solid truth - why would we use them when we got pure cash on our hands? It shows more respect to the cashiers in my opinion, and would you give tips to a waiter with a credit card? haha

They both have their own uses, use it wisely! :D


New Member
I use credit card only when traveling. Have credit car usually think to show off our wealth. But it takes off out money very soon.