I fell for it!


New Member
They got me! I went to a different gas station than usual and started pumping, using the first handle on the left, since I like the cheap gas. When I glanced up at the display I was horrified to see that I was over $11 with just over 3 gallons of gas!

I looked down at the handles and found that they had put the premium gas in the first position, the cheap stuff in the middle, and the mid-grade on the right end. Now, who the heck pays attention to what order the handles are in???? The prices on top of the tank were in order, smallest to largest, but, down on the actual handles, they were switched around.

I quickly shut off the gas, then switched to my regular 87 octane. (It was still $3.29, but that's way better than $3.49). Lesson learned: Pay Attention at the Pump!!!

I hope it won't mess up my car to be using mixed octane gas...


New Member
I'm sorry they got you like that. Gas stations will think of any trick they can to increase their profits. But no, mixing octanes won't hurt your car. It'll be like you have a mid-grade gas (since you have a little premium and a little regular).


New Member
They got me like that once. We'd better watch it. Their next trick will be to mix the handles up and put the low-grade in the middle. You're right, HondaMan. They'll think of any trick in the book to make a buck.


New Member
What a con! I hope you complained! I bet there's no law against what they did but that's no excuse at all. It's good to hear your car will be okay at least.


New Member
I would have complained as well, but yes, you always have to pay attention to the way things are organized. I've never had that happen, I'm happy to say, but there's always the future.


Staff member
I've done that before. It is a pita, thankfully it when gas was much cheaper. Now I look.


New Member
Another victim of overprice fuel.... Sorry to hear that this happened to you, but I'm sure almost anyone who drives has done that before, probably more than once, I know I have. :shocked:.


New Member
Been there, done that. Man, the price of gas is getting out of hand. I remember when 20 bucks would fill my tank, now it takes about $40.


New Member
Oh that sucks! I would not be happy, but at least you did catch it before you got a full tank at that price. That would really have been bad (especially at these new prices!)


New Member
Thanks for the tip. I haven't done this before, but now that I think of it I never really pay too much attention to that. I will have to keep a sharp eye from now on. Thanks for the warning.