Leather jackets


New Member
So I've heard it recommended that people wear leather jackets when riding in case of a wreck, to protect them. Doesn't that get awfully hot in the summertime? Is there a cooler way to protect themselves?


New Member
I think any protection is going to be layers, which is hot. Usually the wind is so strong, you stay pretty cool though. If you're going to be doing a lot of sitting in red lights, or riding in traffic I'm sure it would get hot.


New Member
It's a shame that motorcycles don't have air conditioning, huh? LOL Well, I suppose they DO in a way, but only when moving! Still, it seems common sense that a rider would want to protect themselves, doesn't it?


New Member
Leslie, motorcycles has natural air conditioning. :) It's new to me that a leather jacket protect the rider better than another type of jacket, but it makes sense.

Dodge Doll

New Member
Dedicated riders are now wearing Kevlar more than leather, up where I am. It fares better when a bike goes down & does a better job of protecting skin in a slide, and is being manufactured to look like a pair of jeans.

Then again, I saw one enthusiast with the entire ensemble, including the special leather with the neck protector: HE was what turned your head, not the 'crotch rocket' he was riding.


New Member
I haven't seen Kevlar; I'll have to look it up. Is it lighter than leather, too, as well as stronger? The name reminds me of Mylar, which is shiny. Is Kevlar that way, too?


New Member
Even if it's hot, I think you should have as much safety protection as possible, it's not worth taking any unnecessary risks. Leather jackets and Kevlar are great, but I still think the most important safety piece is a good helmet. Sometimes I see riders wearing a leather jacket, but they don't have a helmet on. I don't understand their thinking there, it seems nuts to me.