Mud on carpets


New Member
We went out today to a corn field and it was pretty wet. I know I can shampoo the carpet but it's cold out now and I don't know how to get it to dry quick. I have had the problem with a musty smell before from a too wet too long carpet.


New Member
I do not know if they have these in your area but here they have car wash places that have garages. They have electrical plugs in them. If you get one when it is dry it you might be able to do what I did once and use it to clean the carpets and then use a blow dryer to dry them. It takes forever though so you might just take it to a professional.


New Member
Yeah, you definitely want to take it to a place that has the tools needed for shampooing and drying the carpet available, whether they do it for you or you do it yourself. It wouldn't be fun to have mildew develop.


New Member
It's better to wait until the mud has dried, brush it out of the carpet and then vacuum well. THEN and only then you should try to shampoo it out. If you have a garage to place your car in, you may want to try one of those little ceramic heaters set into the car/truck overnight to help dry it out.


New Member
I don't think I would leave a ceramic heater in the car overnight. Isn't that dangerous?
I was thinking of the hair blow dryer actually - although it sounds like it would take a long time.
Thanks for the tips!


New Member
Great tips- I would wait until it dried too and then try to vacuum it out. I would most certainly wait until the weather gets warmer to shampoo the rug.