Neighbor shot his car


New Member
I was actually quite impressed with it, this morning leaving for work I watched as my neighbor was shooting squirrels off an electrical wire above his house. As I was leaving the driveway I heard him mutter a few choice words and realizing the bbgun must have jammed on him and he ended up shooting out his front window. Bet that is going to be fun to explain to the insurance company.


New Member
Wow! Now that is funny! He could make up a story so he does not look so dumb! Hope he has full glass coverage. Good thing he did not shoot someone instead of his car.


New Member
Wow, what a bonehead! It seems dangerous to be shooting at an electrical wire anyway but the fact that he hit his car window is ridiculous. If you don't know how to handle a gun safely, even a bb gun, you shouldn't be using them.


New Member
Well, I have certainly felt like shooting mine sometimes but I have successfully restrained myself. I would hate to do something like that by accident though. It would be one of those "Doh!" moments.


New Member
How do you shoot out your own window? I don't know a lot about bb guns but don't they have a safety like any other gun? I would hate to have to explain that to the insurance company.


New Member
Is that legal where you are? To shoot squirrels, I mean. Here, you'd be under arrest quicker than you could go pick up the furry little bodies. It really is animal cruelty to shoot at them with a BB gun, so I'd have laughed at his mishap with his car window. Serves him right.


New Member
I would have laughed too. How dumb to shoot your own car window out. I wonder if he had glass coverage? If not his carelessness sure is going to cost him a pretty penny.


New Member
Wow! that,s a hilarious story and very funny also.People don,t care about their cars in general but if interested in cars like me so i don,t want to act like this with my car but people should care of it.