Yesterday was 64 degrees so I washed and waxed my car. Right now it's raining out! Go figure. I thought I'd get one more good wash in before the snow flies and I did! Of course the car is already getting spotty!
I managed to clear the windows off my car the other day after I filled up with gas but the car really needs a bath. I am going to just take it somewhere over the weekend because it is too chilly out for me to try and do it myself.
Smash - I have the same luck as you with washing my car. It doesn't matter if I wash it myself or if I pay to have it washed, either way it will be raining the next day without fail - even if the weather doesn't forecast rain!
In my case, washing the car is always a good indication that it will rain the next day despite what the weather forcast says. Right now, mine is terribly dirty. I think I'll run it through a car wash sometime today. It's too cold to do it myself.
It it really a lost cause in the winter to try to keep a vehicle clean on the outside. I do try to keep up with keeping things clean on the inside though.
I took advantage of the nice weather Thanksgiving morning to finally clean the inside of my car. I was pretty disappointed to wake up to snow yesterday. I need to take it in and vacuum the floors once more and probably wash the outside.
In the wintertime, I'm always afraid I won't be able to get the doors open the next morning. But mine really, really does need a bath. I'll have to find a detailing shop to do my van in the next week or so. I wonder if you could put silicone spray on the door gasket and keep it from freezing shut?