Noisy AC unit


New Member
Usually, I do not use the AC in the car but with temps in the 100's I have been running it this week. I noticed that when it is running my car has a rattle to it. It doesn't do this when it is off. What could be the cause of a noisy AC unit in the vehicle?


New Member
Perhaps there is something caught in the blower or motor? You would need to check it out. You could also have a loose screw! Is it still blowing out really cold air?


New Member
Have you ever needed to have it serviced before? I have heard about this in older vehicles especially when there are high temp's, how old is the car now?


New Member
It is still blowing out cold air. I have not had it serviced before and it is over 10 years old so maybe I should think about it. I haven't had it on in a few days now.


New Member
It sounds like the A\C unit is getting ready to burn out. If you have never had it serviced after all these years you may need a new one. It could be costly too. Anything to do with A/C in a car can be expensive. In my state, Florida, they have strict rules for mechanics working on them.

Vroom Vroom

New Member
Does it mainly do it when the AC is on and the car is stopped or parked? Mine was making a loud rattling noise. It turned out to be the compressor.


New Member
When it makes a noise like that it usually means it's about to go. If you can't troubleshoot it yourself I'd take it to a mechanic so they can diagnose the problem.