Rotten morning


New Member
Have you ever had one of those mornings where everything just seemed to go wrong? This morning I had one kid arguing with me about everything from their outfit to their breakfast and another one crying uncontrollably for no reason whatsoever. The thing that made it all worthwhile was when the third child said "I love you". I am hoping that after school is a whole lot nicer.


New Member
I hate days like that. I usually have those days that start with me waking up late for whatever I have to do that day. It totally throws me off. This morning I woke up to a full coffee pot of hot water because I forgot to put the coffee in the filter.


New Member
Well, was after school nicer? You have a Mother's Day coming up if you live in the U.S. I hope you're able to use it to your advantage.
FenderBender - I can't tell you how many times I've forgotten to put the coffee in the coffee pot the night before, woke up the next morning with a headache, told myself that it would go away after a hot cup of coffee, walked into the kitchen and discovered that there was no coffee! It just totally starts you off on the wrong foot!!


New Member
My husband is usually the one who gets the coffee pot ready for morning but he has forgotten to put the coffee in quite a few times himself. After school did end up being slightly better as did the next day, but then everyone was back to the same bad behavior.


New Member
That stinks and yes I have bad mornings too. I think it's life! Usually the whole day stinks when the morning starts off bad! I usually listen to rock music to make my day better.


New Member
I had an afternoon like that actually. We ended up ripping a ton of old ugly bushes out only to find out when we met up with the guy who comes out to take care of the trees that his mulcher can dig bushes up too. We spent six hours too.


New Member
I'm kind of like that this morning, but I need to look on the bright side. It's hot as heck out there, but at least my yard man came this morning. He's taking care of the lawn, and I don't have to do it. We have air conditioning. Life is good.