Scared for what could be


New Member
I just caught a CNN report about a certain nuclear reactor in Japan, "NUMBER THREE".... and the fact it's a plutonium and not a uranium core.

Ladies and gentlemen, another HIROSHIMA and NAGASAKI looms, to hell with the impact on gas and fuel prices. The human price tag is potentially much, much steeper.


New Member
It won't come to Hiroshima, but Chernobyl is more likely. There's a big difference in the kind of reaction in an atom bomb, compared to a reactor. This scares the pants off me if I'm honest.


New Member
Yes it is very sad and I feel horrible for the people going through all of that there in Japan. It just seems like the nightmare won't end for them, like the storm just keeps coming. My prayers go out to all those trapped in that situation. I hope people will turn to Jesus and be saved there.


Staff member
Got to stop listening to American News Companies, if they can call them that today. They just sell fear.

Nuclear Energy Institute
[url][/URL] <---There are LOTS of good resource links on that page. Reactor design, time lines, various industry sites, etc.

World Nuclear News
[url][/URL] Awesome site that also has lots of good information.

International Atomic Energy Agency

YouTube - Japan's Nuclear Reactor Safety Systems Foiled [Graphic]

This is different then what happened then in Chernobyl and is more like a 3 Mile Island. Granted neither of them is good.


New Member
The situation has got so much worse though now. Workers were evacuated, fires burning in the cores spreading huge amounts of radiation. Your best news sources are the Japanese media.


New Member
Reactor Number 4 isn't doing too well either. MSNBC has been doing an outstanding job of reporting facts and interviewing experts specifically to try to cut through the fear mongering.