Seat covers


New Member
I have always kept seat covers on my seats and the upholstery underneath looks brand new. If they wouldn't have been covered they would be really stained up by now. Do you keep you keep yours covered?


New Member
Seat covers are great for fabric. I have leather seats which I highly prefer over fabric and they wear pretty well. However, I do keep a towel handy in the summer time. Hot leather and bare skin just don't mix.
I used to keep covers over my car seats, but the covers wore out so I threw them away. I haven't been able to afford new car seat covers yet, but we'll be buying a new set soon.


New Member
I hated seat covers because they never would stay on. One thing I really liked on my old car were some of the seat covers made of round wooden balls. They helped protect the seat, and they were also extremely comfortable.


New Member
I have fabric in my car but I am somewhat of a drill Sargent when it comes to what comes into the car with people. Drinks for adults are okay in holders only, for kids plain water and that is it. Snack wise unless it is something easily vacuumed up it does not get eaten in the car. Mine is about six years old now and the seats still remain amazing. Be diligent.


New Member
I've never used seat covers. They seem like a good idea, but they have never been a priority. Maybe next time I get a car, I'll try them out. My current car is already pretty much a wreck.


I have leather seats which I highly favor over fabric and they wear pretty well. I utilized to hold covers over my vehicle seats, but the wrappings was clothed in out so I chucked them away.


I do care my car by covering it with leather cover. My Audi still looks brand new because of its covers.
After cleaning it at night everyday, I let her covered till I use it again in the morning.


New Member
Yeah, I do cover my car daily after coming from office. I used to clean my car on daily basis and after cleaning with cleanser I cover it by car cover. It give life to the car paint so it is essential to cover your car.


New Member
Yeah,its very good to save the seat for a log time with the seat covers,now a days in the market there are many stylish covers are also available but some people don,t like this feel un comfort in drive with the seat covers.