Short tempered on the road


New Member
My username is the name of the god of war in Greek mythology, as if you didn't know. He is known to be dangerous, destructive and short tempered. I was short tempered only on the road, but it's already dangerous for me and for other drivers.


New Member
I don't get it? So you are saying that you are short tempered on the road? You have a lot of road rage? That is not good at all - you need to relax and be patient on the road.


New Member
Yeah, you're one of those scary people, huh? I hate it when I change lanes and some guy decides I was too close (I *always* make sure there are at least two car lengths available before I move over) and starts getting on my back bumper.


New Member
Ares is the God of war, not exactly the god of road rage. It does seem bad though and might be something you want to get checked out. It seems like more times we hear about road rage in the paper/news it always ends bad.


New Member
Be careful - I hear more police are pulling people over for Road Rage! I hate those people that think they need to flip you off or curse at you when you get too close.


New Member
Any kind of anger and short-temperedness is only detrimental - both to the angry person and to the object of his anger, if he acts on it. Anger never *helps* any situation, and often makes things worse.


New Member
It's definitely not a good thing but a lot of people seem proud of being short-tempered. I don't get why people want to be that way. I get angry occasionally, sure, but exhibiting signs of road rage only creates a dangerous situation.


New Member
I can't for the life of me figure out why someone would admit that in public. Well, unless you are wanting accountability to stop acting that way. Are you?


New Member
I was home sick this ween and I caught an episode of those court cases on TV. This one was about road rage that ended up with 4 guys (3 in their early 20's and one who was 40) in a fight. Both cars were damaged and no one had serious injuries that required a doctor. The judge tossed them all out of court to prove a point that road rage doesn't do any good to any one.


New Member
I read an article a little while back about two cars who were both exhibiting signs of road rage on the road. They were basically playing leap frog all over the freeway. Well, both cars ended up in a ditch and a person from each car died. Was it worth it? It never is.


New Member
NNW thanks for sharing the story. I agree, it is not worth it. And I actually am not that dangerous on the road, not anymore. I am a good and defensive driver now. :)


New Member
Well, I sure am glad to hear that, Ares. Good to know that people still grow and learn these days. Lots of folks out there still need to grow and learn some more!