So frustrated and annoyed!


New Member
I was driving down the road yesterday and was coming up on a red light. I hit my brakes and had plenty of stopping room but somehow I still managed to rear end the car in front of me. The lady wouldn't stop yelling at me like I did it on purpose but her husband was super cool. I am just so annoyed with myself.


New Member
That really stinks! Was there a lot of damage done? Hopefully you weren't injured in the accident. Did you get a ticket or anything? I hope it all works out ok.


New Member
That's too bad. Hope no one got hurt. What kind of car do you drive? Sometimes we drive absentmindedly. Sometimes when you cruise, you're so relaxed your brain also cruises.


New Member
Sorry to hear about that. Yeah I hope also that none got hurt. But that happens sometimes. I did it when I rode my motorbike after taking an anti-allergic medicine. How stupid I was that time.


New Member
Accidents are just that! People need to chill out, especially if no one was hurt. Yelling at someone only makes things worse. Heck in the day and age you never kow if the other person has a gun and will shoot you for acting all crazy!


New Member
Yeah, that's why it's called an accident. Nobody expects it or do it on purposes (there are some exceptions though). You should be a bit lenient about that.


New Member
Yeah nobody was hurt and the scratch she was trying to say I put on her vehicle would not have been possible because of the body style of my front end versus her rear end. Oh well, I will just have to be even more vigilant than I already am I guess.