State law


New Member
I know the laws when you move are to swap your license over but what happens if you have no proof of your residence? I have a friend who is a home maker, all bills are in the spouses name. How does someone take care of getting a new license if they have no proof?


New Member
I would think if she can prove she is married to the person who is getting the bills, then the licensing people would accept that as proof of where she lives.


New Member
That is the issue though, she lives in a state that is common law marriage, so while she is married, they do not have paperwork. Even worse, she is self employed so proof of income is tricky too.


New Member
A lot of times they will accept other correspondence to that address as well. She should just ask them what proof they will accept under the circumstances.


New Member
Otherwise, can she perhaps be added onto just one of the bills for the household? It doesn't mean she has to pay, but it gives her a means to prove her address.


New Member
I think some states are tricky and make you jump through hoops in order to get added onto bills. I know they had attempted with the water and gas/power bill, it was just about useless. They had wasted countless hours on the phone and in person trying to do it, never with enough paperwork to prove who is who.