Sticky Stuff

Andy C

New Member
I have found some sort of sticky residue on the back door of my sedan. I have no idea what this is but I cannot get it off. I've not tried a lot because I'm afraid I'll damage the surface. Any ideas?


New Member
Is it on the outside or inside? Do you think there's a chance that something splashed or rubbed up against it on the road or something like that? I've seen a rag soaked gasoline do some pretty good clean-up work.


New Member
Can you make any guesses as to what it could be? Tree sap? Glue? Some crazy kid's toy compound? If you can identify it we might be able to list more specific and less harmful things to use to clean it.


New Member
If it's outside, an oil may loosen it up. Tree sap can be hard to get off but I've been successful in removing it and many other sticky things with bath oil. But I agree with the others, if you could specify it would help.

Andy C

New Member
Sorry guys, it's on the inside. I loaned my car to my sister and she had her little ones in the back. She had given them some sort of sticky type of toy gel stuff. I don't know what it's called but it was sort of like silly putty but clear with some kind of glitter in it. They smeared this stuff on the doors where they were sitting and she didn't clean it. It was on there probably about 2 or 3 good 70+ degree days. Anyway, she had the car about two weeks before she brought it back to me. Sometimes I dislike my sister very much.:mmph:


New Member
That sucks! Were you ever able to get it out? I used to have the weirdest thing that would happen with a Mitsubishi Galant that I had... somehow, some kind of thick, black grease, almost like tar, used to leak from inside the driver's side door. I could never figure out what it was, or where it was coming from. I did my best to clean it regularly, but if I was getting into my car and it was there, occasionally it ended up on the bottom of my shoe, and that spread it all over the pedals and floor of the driver's side. Whenever I took it to the car wash, they wouldn't believe that it was coming from the door, and would always insist that I stepped in tar! Anyway, I never did figure it out...