The lawsuit is over!


New Member
As some of you know, I was being sued for damages/injuries during a fender bender accident. The results are finally in. While on one hand I am glad that this lawsuit is over, I am slightly disappointed with the outcome. Even with a mountain of evidence proving she had no viable injuries and video evidence to back it up, the mediators still saw fit to award her some cash. All told she will get $50,000- $5,000 from my insurance company, $25,000 from her own insurance company and $20,000 from another driver in an unrelated accident.


New Member
I really do not see how they could justify any damages unless her vehicle was totaled as a result of the accident. I have been on the other side of a wreck before and almost all of my "winnings" went directly to medical expenses (and physical therapy is seriously expensive).


New Member
Lawsuit is over

At least now you don't have to worry about it any more. Over time, the whole incident will fade into the past. At least it didn't end up worse than it did. You never know in cases like this. Nothing makes sense these days.


New Member
How can that be? She hit you right? I just don't get these mediators! Sick that someone can sue for damages when nothing ever came out of the accident. Odd world we live in.


New Member
No, I hit her but barely. It was not even hard enough to dent either vehicle. Vroom, she was suing for life altering injuries that kept her from living "normally".