The parking nightmares


New Member
What is one place that you hate to park your car for fear that when you return it will have some dings and dents? I have two right now and its a very close tie between the grocer and the movie parking lots.


New Member
Movie parking lots are the worst around here. I also hate to park in the parking garages. People here love to drive the wrong way down the one way ramps. I do not understand why people are willing to save time by doing something dangerous.


New Member
I have actually gotten to the point where I don't even care anymore! My boyfriend was driving my car and hit a post when he parked. I was like okay, he was more freaked out then I was.


New Member
I don't like parking at the mall. People there are crazy! They park too close and they aren't careful when opening their doors. It's almost always a given to have a new ding.


New Member
I got to the point that the only safe place to park is my own home LOL. But I agree that the movie parking lots are the worst, especially if they just watched The Fast and The Furious.


New Member
Parallel Parking

Anyplace I have to parallel park is a bad place to park for me. I never did learn to parallel park the correct way. I have never hit anything but I am always nervous when I do it.


New Member
There's a hotel nearby that has the worst parking setup...a narrow garage with a row of spots perpendicular to the left wall, and parallel parking is allowed along the right wall. Even I have trouble making my 8-point turns to get out of the perpendicular spots - whenever I have to parallel park I can't relax and enjoy myself for fear of my car!


New Member
I hate parking in public parks. One time some yobs drew a line on the side from front to back. I was so upset. Luckily it wasn't a scratch. Just a dirt kind of line. So if there is a way I could go to the place by bus I would. The only way I am comfortable parking is at work because I know who is parking beside me.