I just saw that video where the child fell out of a speeding car when the driver was doing a fast turn while fleeing in a police chase. Incredibly, the child got up and ran after the car. There should be a special place in jail for criminals like this.
Wow, I had not heard about this one. I would not want to see it because things like this make me so angry. I wish they worked an eye for an eye standard sometimes.
I heard that they pushed the kid out of the car. I think it was in hopes to slow down the police chasing after them. Then again I could be imagining it. What a sick world we live in.
There is a special place in every jail for them but I highly doubt they will like it. Most in the criminal world do not take lightly to child endangerment and this is right up there. Have you ever heard of what happens to child abusers in jail??
Prisoners have a funny way about working this out by themselves. Not sure this falls into the whole do not mess with children thing or not, but if it does, he is in for a long sentence.