

New Member
Seriously how long has trampolining been an Olympic sport? I was shocked to see women out there jumping on the trampoline. It was cool - they were doing things that I could only dream of. I just never knew it was a sport.


New Member
It's been around a little while now. I mocked it initially (it's hard not to) but then you see the athleticism involved and its inclusion in the Olympics makes a lot more sense.


New Member
This is news to me. Of course I don't really watch the Olympics, just the highlights, but I never knew that. It seems like every year they add another sport.


New Member
There have been a lot of "sports" that I have seen on the Olympics this year that are new to me. The best one yet is one that I have heard they are thinkiing about. That would be pole dancing. Every male in the world would watch that one.


New Member
I'm not sure how long it's been in the Olympics, but I know it's been around for a while. My wife's best friend has a sister who has been to nationals and worlds several times. She never made it to the Olympics, but she did come darn close.


New Member
It has been in at least 3 Olympics that I can remember. It is really hard because not only do they have to do all of that flipping they have to stay within bounds on the trampoline. They get deducted if they move out of the area.


New Member
I saw the rules were pretty tough, I just hadn't seen it before. I couldn't do half of those things they do. Awesome Marcus! I hope she gets to the Olympics next time around.