Two car garage


New Member
I really want to get a two car garage when we get a new house because it would be great to have extra room for storage as well. I have seen so many houses around with two and even three-car garages.


New Member
I don't know what I would do without our garage! I remember unloading groceries in the rain before we had one, or shivering while the car warmed up every morning. A garage is definitely a wonderful thing to have!


New Member
It's the other way around for me. My wife and I just moved back to Miami and in doing so left our beautiful two car garage back in Mississippi. I do miss it a lot.


New Member
I would truly hate getting used to one for so long and then having to give it up. Lucky for me in my younger years I only lived at this crazy condo for about a year with a double garage before I had to give it up.


New Member
I have a two car garage and I love it. I think I would have a really hard time adjusting to a one car garage, especially with my truck crammed into it. Right now I have plenty of room to work. If you have a chance, get a two car garage.


New Member
Sadly, right now, we don't have a garage at all and I'm constantly worried about our cars. We have had a lot of trouble in this area and people breaking into cars. I hope we can get a place soon.