Vacuuming - how often


New Member
How often do you vacuum your car out? Do you always vacuum the entire car (seats, floors, etc.) or just the floor? I have been trying to vacuum the new car every month.


New Member
There's usually just me in my car and I don't get it really dirty. However, every time I wash, I vacuum which should be more often. Then it's only the floors and floor mats. Maybe the seats if there are crumbs. The best way is to have it done about once a month if you can afford it.


New Member
I know the correct answer is not as often as I should. I am lucky if I can hit it up once a week but most times it ends up being every two weeks instead. There are just not enough hours in the day sometimes.


New Member
You all are much better than I am. I get around to vacuuming every few months at best. Actually, I should say I get around to having someone else vacuum every few months.


New Member
I don't really do it often enough to suit me. The problem is that I am a real wimp about being outside when the weather is cold. A heated garage would solve the problem I guess!


New Member
I vacuum my car once a week on Fridays. That usually does the trick. It is so much easier to keep it clean if I develop a habit and keep it going. Even the family helps me.


New Member
Holy cow! I thought I was good with once a month. You guys that do it once a week are incredible! I don't have the time for that. If only I could stop all the eating in the car it would not need it more than a couple of times a year.


New Member
I try to vacuum it out at least once a month but it doesn't always happen. I am not driving it as much now anyway so it doesn't get as dirty. I usually vacuum the seats as well as the floors and mats.
I don't vacuum the inside of the car out as often as I should. As it stands, I could really do to vacuum it out right now! When I do vacuum it, I vacuum everything - the floorboards, the seats, the center console - the whole nine yards.