Virtual Driving


New Member
I have seen in a morning news show that they have a kind of car simulator that gives you the experience to drive as if you were drunk. I wonder if they offer this for the general public. Have you heard of this? Do they offer it in your area? I think all new drivers (high schoolers/college students) should experience this.


New Member
I haven't heard of that. I wonder how they do that? It seems like most kids would come away saying "Oh, *I* wouldn't have that problem." instead of seeing that it WOULD be like that.


New Member
I saw it. It was on ABC, although it was a while back. Robin was the one doing the testing. I don't remember how they did it, but it truly made it seem like her reflexes where affected. She kept swerving into the other lanes, etc. She says that it was a scary feeling.


New Member
Yeah, I don't see how they would do it either. I mean, your own reactions would be normal speed. I'm interested in the lesson that this would teach.


New Member
I haven't heard of that either, but it sounds like an useful simulator (of course). I wonder how it works though. You don't drink before trying the simulator, right?


New Member
I don't see how that would help people to not drive drunk. They might just get a kick out of it and when they do get drunk think that since they did the simulator, they can really drive on the road like that.