We had some horrible snow and ice storms and fog as well over the last few days. On my way to work on Wednesday we had horrible fog and heavy snow. Two cars had hit each other and then one spun out into a tree and the other ended up in the ditch.
I can tell you, that is one thing I don't miss about moving away from Michigan! The thing I see on the news on here a little too often is people driving into bus benches and homes or businesses when the weather is absolutely perfect. Boggles my mind!
It is amazing how often things like this happen. Of course, normally it's a blown over tree, but we've had a rash of people ending up in other people's houses via their cars.
That always worries me when my guy gets called into work when we have bad weather. The truck is amazing but not in snow and ice so most times I make him take the car instead, driving even on streets can be bad let alone old backwoods roads.
A tree can really smash up a car. Those things just don't move out of the way. Ice will also send you spinning into whatever is nearby. It pays to be alert at all times and even then you can't be completely safe.
You really do have to be careful when you are behind the wheel anytime. I hate driving in the fog. I'm probably the slowest driver ever when it's foggy. You just can't see anything!