What do you think of Wednesdays?


New Member
Mondays get a bad rap, and Fridays are overrated. What do you think of Wednesday? Some people call it "hump day" because it's in the middle of the week.

Top Gear

New Member
Or speed bump day as something always seems to slow you down so a day at work feels like three :). Generally Wednesday means nothing special to me as I work shifts so there is no regular week for me.


New Member
I kind of like Wednesdays because it means I only have 1 more day of work for the week. My favorite day is still Friday though because I have no work!

Top Gear

New Member
Hehehe it is kinda nice isn't it, to be relaxing when most people are at work. makes it harder to join every auto event I would like though.


Staff member
Just like any other day. Although I may start going to meetings the first three Wednesday's of the month. Gets me out of the house for a few hours.


New Member
Personally I don't like them at all. You are right, they are the middle so it means you have 2 more days to go. I'm also starting to get tired by then so it's just no good!


New Member
I never really thought about it before. But I guess it's a good day because it means your work week is already half way over.


New Member
For me, nothing special about the day. I don't really love it and I don't hate it either. But I think every day is a good day, depending on how we live it.


New Member
I have always thought the reason people went bowling on Wednesdays was to get the day over with quicker in order to get to Friday. Then again I know some oddball people too.