What do you want?


New Member
So far my mother in law has asked us what we want with a few suggestions but I really have no clue for the holidays (other than a few extra vacation days). I prefer to get gifts that I need, if I want something I will just go buy it. Is that mean?


New Member
Nope not crazy at all. You do have to come up with something though! I have the same problem! I have 3 lists to make and I am the same as you. I buy what I want.


New Member
I've asked people not to buy me things because I really don't want them to waste money on trinkets and clothes I know won't use or wear. Since they do it any way, I always tell them a few stamps or a small grocery store or Lowe's gift card would be perfect.


New Member
I have the same problem with the holidays. I usually buy what I want and so I don't know what to tell people. I have resorted to giving them lists that include things like new pillows, socks, undies and toothbrushes. At least that way I will get something I will use.


New Member
I can't imagine telling my in-laws that I want undies or a toothbrush. I really hate the question too. I try to come up with ideas early on so I have something to tell them.
If I don't have anything specific in mind when someone asks me what I want for Christmas (or whatever the occasion may be) I usually just default to "cash". Cash is always a great gift! You can use it everywhere and it never expires. ;)


New Member
We are thinking about doing some remodeling and redecorating around the house so I think we are going to ask for Home Depot gift cards this year. I hate asking for cash though.