What's the appeal of a sidecar?


New Member
Does anyone here like sidecars? Riding in one sounds like it would be alright I guess, but I can't imagine it's more fun than just riding your own bike. Learning to properly drive a motorcycle with a sidecar sounds like it would be more trouble than it's worth.


New Member
I think they look cool, and I think I might feel safer in a sidecar than on a bike. I'm nervous that way. I haven't read enough about it to know how difficult it would be to use, though.


New Member
I wouldn't want to ride in one, or put one on my bike. They look a little silly to me. I've never tried it so can't say how it feels for sure. I don't intend to find out. :smile:


New Member
I have ridden in one before. It was fun. I did feel a little silly too. It wasn't as much fun as being on the back of a bike, or driving one though.


New Member
I don't think I'd like riding in one either. They're too low to the ground for one thing, and I think they look absolutely silly. I'd rather drive the bike.


New Member
KC23, I can see your point on this, it might be kind of fun in a silly kind of way. If I had the chance to try it once, I'd probably go for it. Since they're so low to the ground, I imagine it makes for a somewhat exciting ride. I agree with the other responses more though, they look silly, and riding a bike normally has got to be more fun.


New Member
I wouldn't want to ride in a side car. I don't like not being in control. As for feeling silly, I don't really think so. There are a lot more silly and weird things riding out there. Besides I never care about what others think.