Wheel falling off


New Member
I had funny experience happen before. I say funny because there were no accidents caused by this occurence. I was at a stop light and the opposite directions light turned red at the same time a tire rolled right through the intersection. Next came the car on three wheels and sparks flying everywhere. Then the police officer that was behind him. It was just a funny thing if you happened to witness it.


New Member
Wow! That would be rather startling, I think! Sounds like the guy's car was probably pretty damaged. Sure am glad there wasn't a wreck because of it!


New Member
It was one of those things I wish I would've had a camera for. You just don't expect something like that to happen. The way it played out with the tire first, then the car making sparks, then the police. It looked like a movie or something.


New Member
That is actually one of my very few odd fears when driving, even as a passenger it freaks me out. Seconded only by the steering wheel falling off. I guess I am an odd duck. :)


New Member
That sounds like excitement. Around here that would be talk of the town for weeks! I can see what it was entertaining. Good thing no one got hurt though.


New Member
That sounds like a real case of divine intervention to me (LOL). Everything was in sync with each event. Especially with nobody getting hurt or killed. Yeah, that is one for the books.