Whitney Houston died


New Member
I was sitting here watching CNN and they came across and said that Whitney Houston died. She was only 48. It is very sad that such a talented singer died so young.


New Member
I just heard this a few hours ago myself as I got a text from a friend. It is so tragic when someone so talented dies. I just hope it wasn't a backslide into drugs that took her life.


New Member
It is very sad and they are saying that the death will be investigated. She was so talented but led a very troubled life (with Bobby Brown). She was The Queen of Pop in the 80s!


New Member
What a waste of tremendous talent Houston's death is. She has a child and had sold over 200 million albums, or something like that. Drugs, alcohol and a bad marriage certainly takes its toll.


New Member
I wasn't surprised after all the various news stories on Whitney Houston over the years. Her life was not as wonderful as it should have been for someone who had achieved the acclaim and success she once had.


New Member
It's so tragic to hear about her death at such a young age. She has gone through some tough times over the years, despite her wealth and talent. She just couldn't seem to recover from her many problems. It wouldn't be a great surprise if her death was drug related.


New Member
Why does it take so long for a death report to come back? I have never seen this for a non-celeb before and it drives me bonkers. I just do not get why it takes that long.


New Member
The person I really feel sorry for is her 19 year old daughter. I'm sure the truth behind cause of death will come out soon enough. They can't cover it up forever.


New Member
I heard about her death. What a shame, that is! I watched the Grammy's tonight, and the tribute that Jennifer Hudson did for her was very touching. God bless her family and daughter at this rough time in their lives.


New Member
News coverage

I'm glad at least at the Grammy's there was a lot of time and coverage that was positive and perhaps could squelch some of the negative stories coming out of the news media. Houston's family does not to hear all that trash talk.