Who has an iphone?


New Member
Mine keeps sucking down the battery like its on its last leg. I have three charged in my house (office, bedroom, living area), so when its not in use its charging but it seems like its eating the battery life more than it did when I first got it.


New Member
I don't. I've always heard that those and Blackberries are major battery drainers and I really need my phone to last a long time so I stick with phones that don't do much other than take pictures and I can talk on.


New Member
All smartphones suck the life out of batteries faster than a hunger ravaged vampire. I would know, having worked as customer care for Nextel previously. Trust me, invest in a car charger and a spare charger. Sure, it's a pain to be constantly charging but I'm not sure they make an extended battery for the iPhone.


New Member
It seems like its losing juice quicker though and its truly a pain. Lately I have this issue that when I am on long term drives out I want to make sure my phone is fully charged. It charges the quickest in the auto so I guess for that I am thankful.


New Member
I don't charge my Iphone until it's practically dead. I always heard it was bad for the battery to leave it charging when it doesn't need it. My battery isn't great, but it lasts me the entire day/night. I plug it in when I go to bed.


New Member
I do not charge it forever it just seems like I am charging it always. I guess I use my phone more than most people do or you are just really lucky and I have a horrible battery life. Who knows, silly smartphones.