Will other countries imitate India's Tata Nano?


New Member
I'm intrigued by the Tata Nano, a really cheap car made in India. I know it lacks pretty much every comfort feature, but I still think it's an interesting idea for a second or third family car. Maybe it's just me, but I'd rather have something new and reliable to give to my sixteen year old son. He's young, he can live without air conditioning once in a while. :heh:


New Member
I hear that it is one of the cheapest known cars in the world, which is great, but the size is a bit intimidating. It's even smaller than an smart car.


New Member
I agree with you. It maybe cheap but who would want to risk his safety driving such a tiny car? I would rather buy a used (but bigger) car.


New Member
To be honest, I didn't know it was smaller than a smart car. I knew it was small, but I thought it was also cheap because the basic version comes without any comfort features. I still find it to be an interesting idea. As for safety, it can't be worse than a motorcycle, although motorcycles are obviously far more fun to drive.


New Member
I think countries will catch on if it's a big seller over there. I'm sure a lot of people would prefer a tiny car with no comforts, to not having one. It could be a great thing for families living with low income with only 1 car and no public transportation.