Wow... as if it wasn't bad enough...


New Member
Wow, it seems that people/drivers are getting crazier on the road now. Every time you saw a major accident, you would think that it's the worst accident you would ever see, only to find soon after that it's not.


New Member
Wow, that sucks for the patient. I wish some people would just take a second to think about other people every now and then. Crazy.

Dodge Doll

New Member
I hope that the paramedics and the patient they were transporting sue the **** off the guilty driver, and that he loses his licence for life: some folks just do NOT get the message that drinking and driving do NOT mix.


New Member
I know it's not that much consolation, but this guy will almost certainly get the maximum felony sentence possible for this. I got arrested for drinking and driving many years ago, but I didn't hit anything, I just got caught at a checkpoint. Of course I learned my lesson and I don't do it anymore. In any case, I had to go to the classes with others who were in trouble. The ones that hit another car, especially if injuries were caused, were in really big trouble. It's not just community service, fines, and classes for those folks. They usually were facing some serious time in prison.