Your friend's car


New Member
Have you ever borrowed your friend's car and broken it? How did your friend react to the accident? How did you deal with that? I am always afraid of doing that (who isn't?).


New Member
I never drive other peoples cars for this reason. I am terrified that I might wreck it or put a scratch in it. I have had it happen to me though and it was really no big deal.


New Member
I would freak out if I broke a borrowed car. I would rather call a taxi or ask my friend to give me a lift if that's possible. On the other hand I wouldn't be comfortable loaning my car either, to be honest.


New Member
*sigh* This unfortunately happened to me very recently. A friend lent me his car while I was visiting him and he was at work. While on the freeway that day, someone tried to merge into a lane at the same time as me, and hit the front fender and knocked the side view mirror off. My friend was very understanding, fortunately, and just glad that I was okay, but I felt awful for days.


New Member
Oh yeah. I totaled a car for a friend once. I was badly hurt too so the guilt didn't set in for quite a while until I could think straight. He wasn't worried about it though. I'm never borrowing anything ever again.


Staff member
I hate driving friends, or even family members vehicles. I do my best not to do it.