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    Top-Notch Security

    I would hate to be that man. To have someone who thinks more of his car than of himself, that's pitiful. What would his family pay for him to be back with them if he got killed in that car.
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    I've got essurance but I'm not sure how they will do. We are a very bad risk as far as insurance is concerned because of my age. I hate insurance companies, I gotta tell ya. They are a scheming, scamming, bunch of pencil pushers who never took a risk in their lives.
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    Messed up door lock

    I'd either go to a body shop or someone who deals with locks all of the time. You could get a mechanic to do it but it would be more costly than necessary. If you find someone who specializes in car locking systems that would be even better.
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    AWD vs 4WD

    Yeah, you would need a 4WD for anything treacherous or off road. We live out some pretty steep hilly roads that have a lot of snow on them during the winter so we have 4WD. AWD is for folks that are on the low lands. It's good for that but I wouldn't want to try it up hills or on really bad...
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    Did you survive?

    We didn't go anywhere this Thansgiving and honestly, we didn't even cook. We did a can of soup. My wife had to have some surgery on Wednesday and she didn't feel like doing much so we stayed in and didn't see a soul.
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    Just depends upon where the noise is coming from. If it's tires then check them out. If it's muffler then it needs to be checked again to make sure they did everything correctly.
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    Hard to Crank

    It could be a sign of almost anything. Winter is hard on a car. The cold does make a difference. I think at one time we discussed why cars tend to lose a head light bulb when it gets colder. Everything that was on the margin to tearing up, will when the cold starts getting consistent.
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    Will it snow?

    We haven't had snow yet but it's been predicted for this weekend. I don't know if we'll get it but it sure does feel like it. I had the snow tires put on today and got ready for it. I hate running on the pavement on snow tires without snow, but it's better to have and not need than to need and...
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    Worried about Holiday-Related Crime?

    I have nothing in the car that you can see. I usually take out everything this time of year when people are starting to get desperate. You can't afford to have things where people can see them.
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    Sticky Stuff

    Sorry guys, it's on the inside. I loaned my car to my sister and she had her little ones in the back. She had given them some sort of sticky type of toy gel stuff. I don't know what it's called but it was sort of like silly putty but clear with some kind of glitter in it. They smeared this stuff...
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    Removing Ancient Bumper Sticker

    I don't know what would work best. Have you tried to use a very hot cloth draped over it and soaked for a bit? That may help. I would also try Dawn dishwashing liquid to try to get rid of the residue.
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    Heater Blowing Cold Air

    Have a look at the thermostat. It may be starting to go bad. Have you seen the temperature gauge going wonky? I would have it checked anyway.
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    Sticky Stuff

    I have found some sort of sticky residue on the back door of my sedan. I have no idea what this is but I cannot get it off. I've not tried a lot because I'm afraid I'll damage the surface. Any ideas?
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    What's Your Favorite "Car" Movie

    Honestly I like "Days of Thunder". Yeah I know it's Tom Cruise but I really like the movie and it was during the days when he and Nicole Kidman were still married and being sweet to each other.
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    Anyone Started Getting Ready For Christmas?

    Has anyone started buying presents for Christmas? I'm one of the guys who waits until the last minute. I don't do it by purpose, I usually just wind up being forgetful and I don't like to shop.
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    Ever Consider Getting a Pilot's License?

    Yeah, I've thought of it quite a bit. I have a lady friend who is taking flying lessons but she doesn't have her license yet. She loves it and I think I would too.
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    Car Wrecks

    We have a police scanner and we hear at least two serious car accidents a day. That's a lot for our small population. We have several bad traffic areas in town that are really dangerous and you have to watch very, very carefully. Do you have areas like this around you?
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    It just depends upon the vehicle but most are not hard to do. I've done it and believe me, if I can do it so can anyone. Just make sure to follow the directions given if you are given any. If not, here are some general directions:
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    Most Wanted Auto Christmas Presents?

    So I'm thinking of the Christmas season and I wonder, what would be the perfect Christmas present for someone who's a car buff. Last year I got my son a replica of a '57 Chevy that is an alarm clock and it beeps it's horn and flashes it's lights when it alarms. I need something creative this...
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    "Volt" Gets Top Marks

    When they get the kinks out of them and the Volt starts showing up at the used car dealers, then they will become popular. Remember when any new type of car or new brand comes out, it takes a bit to hit the secondary market but when it does, it seems to start the popularity in the primary market.