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    Cheap Wax-Beware

    I did something really, really dumb the other day. I was at a local dollar type store and they had some liquid wax but it wasn't the name brand stuff. I thought-well worth a try even if it doesn't work. At a buck, who could complain. Well, I tried it yesterday and today there is a white residue...
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    Cell phone amplifier?

    I've never seen any that weren't expensive but you can get them. Go to a Radio Shack or a local audio/cell phone store and they may be able to help you out.
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    DVD shelf latch issue

    You could look at Lowe's or Home Depot too. Your local hardware store may also be able to help you. I've had more luck with them because they've been in business a long time and have seen every type of situation.
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    OK-Now I've Seen Everything!

    I can see it sagging down to the road when it gets good and wet! Either that or it's wool and will draw up. Yeah, this lady or man was very industrious or didn't have very much to do.
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    Leak Around Back Window

    Have you tried to look under the trim, if there is any around the window? I had an older car that had chrome colored trim around the back glass and I had the same trouble. I took off the trim to reseat the window and I found out that there was a rust spot that had rusted through and was leaking...