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  1. D

    Will other countries imitate India's Tata Nano?

    To be honest, I didn't know it was smaller than a smart car. I knew it was small, but I thought it was also cheap because the basic version comes without any comfort features. I still find it to be an interesting idea. As for safety, it can't be worse than a motorcycle, although motorcycles are...
  2. D

    Vacuuming the car @ home?

    I agree with Dodge Doll, if you have a dust-buster in addition to your vacuum, I don't really see the need. That's just what works for me though, I'm sure some people prefer something better.
  3. D

    Sponser brands

    I've seen a couple, honestly I don't think it's a bad idea either. I believe they do the same thing with cars sometimes. We live in an age of constant marketing, so I guess that's just the way it goes.
  4. D

    07 Silverado

    I think the truck looks great, best of luck with it! I've always been a Chevy Silverado fan myself, they're really nice trucks. They're pretty fun to drive around town in, and they get the job done for work purposes too.
  5. D

    Do I need to check my oil if I'm getting regular services?

    Thank you all for the great replies. I've generally felt similar to KC23, although my car is getting a little older, so maybe I should start getting more diligent about this. Regarding MaximumSpeed's questions, it seems like my car's fine, but I appreciate you giving me some things to watch out for.
  6. D

    Do I need to check my oil if I'm getting regular services?

    One of my friends thinks I'm nuts because I never check my oil. I don't change my own oil, I just take my car in on schedule to get a service. Isn't that sufficient, or am I missing something? I'm aware that maybe I'm wasting money sometimes, but I'm asking this question out of concern for my...
  7. D

    Do you really like driving?

    Heavy traffic and bad weather are annoying, but I still prefer driving over anything else, especially public transportation. That's probably because I had to take the bus and local train for much of my young adult life. It's fine once in a while, but I got sick of the lack of privacy. You never...
  8. D

    Delray Beach - charging stations

    That is a little surprising, but it's great if you're a supporter of electric cars. To be honest, I was skeptical that they had much of a significant future, but the Nissan Leaf has changed my mind some. Electric cars have come a long way, in a pretty short period of time.
  9. D

    As an investment?

    There are two situations where I could imagine buying a car as an investment. The first one is if you could get a used car with a couple problems at an incredible price. If you have the knowledge and skill to fix it up some, then maybe you could make a profit. The other one is if you're able to...
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    Will other countries imitate India's Tata Nano?

    I'm intrigued by the Tata Nano, a really cheap car made in India. I know it lacks pretty much every comfort feature, but I still think it's an interesting idea for a second or third family car. Maybe it's just me, but I'd rather have something new and reliable to give to my sixteen year old son...