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  1. B

    The "Wheego"

    I would rather have a motorcycle if I'm going to do something like that. Like Lizzie says, I would rather pay more for something else that would keep a bit of metal between me and other vehicles.
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    Top-Notch Security

    That's the way the world is now Andy. They don't value anything except possessions as worth having. Thankfully, I have learned my lesson early in my life. I cherish every minute I have with everyone I hold dear.
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    Why Don't People Do This Anymore?

    A lot of people just don't know to have this type of thing done. It will prolong the life of your car but the way they are made now, they are pretty much a throw away item even if they do cost more than your house.
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    More fees!

    We have to renew our vehicle license every year. We have to renew our personal driver's license every four years. It seems like we just pay our taxes and vehicle license every year and it's due again! It sure doesn't seem like a year to me but I guess it is. Our state doesn't have inspections...
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    Car Recalls

    You usually get cards or letters telling you about recalls. If you have heard of one that you haven't been notified of, call the dealership you bought your vehicle from and they can give you more details or make you an appointment. They don't want those recalls to sit unanswered. If it's...
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    Messed up door lock

    Have you tried taking the inside of the door off to have a look yourself? It may be something you could fix yourself if you do. But if you don't want to tackle it, take it to a body shop. They would be most likely to be able to fix it without messing up your door.
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    Hooking Up Computer?

    Is there a way I could hook up my laptop to my car's sound system. I have a ton of books on tape plus I have a kindle that I'd love to hook up to the sound system so I could listen to them when I drive. I'm one of the unfortunate people who get very sleepy if I listen to music when I'm driving...
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    Wiper Hype?

    Yeah, I use Rain X on my windows too. I don't get the expensive type of wipers. I don't need to change them but every year or so anyway when I'm using Rain X. They work just fine for me.
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    Slow Leak

    My radiator has to have a slow leak in it. Every time before I start the car, I have to check the water to see if it has gone down any. Usually I have to put about a half of a gallon of water in it before I start it. If I drive more than 30 miles, I usually have to check it after that when it...
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    Will it snow?

    We had our first snow this morning very early. It left as quickly as it came. I can't believe people were out in this cold and snow at 3 am waiting to get into stores. I don't think I would ever be that desperate to buy something.
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    Sticky Stuff

    If it's outside, an oil may loosen it up. Tree sap can be hard to get off but I've been successful in removing it and many other sticky things with bath oil. But I agree with the others, if you could specify it would help.
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    What's Your Favorite "Car" Movie

    I'm old school I guess. "Smokey and the Bandit" is still my favorite car based movie. That car is swweeeeet! I'd like to have it now. Talk about beauty!
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    Wine Stains

    It WAS just the floorboard and the part of the door that has carpeting on it. I have tried just about everything and I've gotten it to fade but I haven't got it all to disappear. I need something else to finish the stain off. Any suggestions?
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    Why Don't People Do This Anymore?

    I have mine changed at least once a year. I find I've had less trouble with transmissions when I have done this regularly. I try my best to measure belts and check other things regularly too. I use the same type of gas and all of the time too.
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    Too cold to wash my car

    They usually aren't that expensive. As far as temperature, as long as it's not below freezing, you should be OK. I usually will wait until the day warms up a bit and then have it done. Then by the time dark hits, it's dried.
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    Car Wrecks

    I think every area has places like that. There are always places that have hidden spots and sharp curves. Places that don't are blessed. I also think if people would slow down a bit and watch what they are doing, it would be a lot better.
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    Wine Stains

    I have a black car with a gold/tan colored leather interior. The other day I stopped to get a bottle of red wine for dinner and sat it in the front passenger seat. Well, of course I had to stop short and it broke and now I have a passenger floor board full of red wine stains. Does anyone have...
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    We Test Drove a Van

    We had to go to the doctor at a nearby large city and when we finished we had some time to kill. So we had lunch and decided to go van shopping. We went to a Chrysler dealer and test drove a Town and Country van. OMG!! It was fantastic. You could auto open both middle doors and the cargo door in...
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    Most Wanted Auto Christmas Presents?

    Have you thought about buying him a coffee table book with pictures of old cars in it? Either that or buy the first piece of an old car and you and he keep it up until you get one to restore.
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    Spray-On Liner in Trunk?

    I really like that. It gives it some texture and would definitely help with maintenance of the finish. You'd never have to wax that finish. I wonder if my wife would let me do our car?