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  1. B

    Do you use seatbelts at the rear seats? I mean, really?

    I usually wear it if I am travelling in the back of a car. I really don't like the lap belts that some cars have for the middle seat though. I am pretty sure they are not much good if the car stops suddenly.
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    Survival Kits

    That's a good idea, even if you don't have bad weather going on. Presuming I had a fully charged cell phone the only other thing I can think of is a good book! If I am going to be stranded I want to have something to do.
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    Original music system

    I am quite happy with the music system I have, it's nothing special but it does the job. It seems quite unusual these days to still have the factory system in place. Am I missing something by not upgrading?
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    Best month for car sales

    I once dated a car salesman and he told me there are lots of deep discounts around in December. This could be a major factor to consider, along with the abundance of xmas spirit perhaps?
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    Flinging trash

    Agreed! I have seen people empty the entire ashtray out onto the road at a rest stop! Unbelievable, don't you think? Now that is scary. The laziest people I have seen recently finished a burger at a drive through and then threw the trash from the window. They didn't even aim for the can. Idiots!
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    Navigation systems

    Do you like using them in your car? I would prefer to use old fashioned maps but my skills in that area are weak. I have yet to find a navigation system with a voice that doesn't irritate me though! :ohwell:
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    Paint Color

    Interesting! I can see red cars being stopped more, not sure why yellow would be though. I heard that countries have their own default color for cars, so it's not always white.
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    Battery Maintenance for Stored Bike

    It is hard for a bike or a car battery to be dormant for a long period. Personally I have never found any of the tricks, such as starting it up every so often, to work. You just have to boost it up when you are ready to use it again.
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    Backing up

    I feel for you Tabby. I hate driving with people who try to 'teach' me as we are moving or I attempt something. I think it takes some time to develop that co-ordination between brain and hands, I know I had a lot of trouble learning to reverse into a tight space for that reason.
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    Cheap gas

    I never thought of the moisture aspect. It is definitely good advice to go to a well used gas station. I don't think the problems I had were caused by malicious tampering, more likely 'bottom of the barrel' fuel.
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    Cheap gas

    I think buying gas real cheap is a false economy. Last year I had lots of problems with my car cutting out or 'coughing' down the street. The garage told me it was caused by dirty (cheap) fuel.
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    Emergency cover

    Thanks for the recommendations folks. It is good to hear two people with praise for the same company. I especially like that they are tolerant of silly things we may do or situations we need rescuing from.
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    Emergency cover

    I am shopping around for an emergency cover provider that is fairly reasonable in price. Last year I got caught out once or twice with breakdowns for minor things. I figure it makes sense to sign up somewhere but I would like first hand opinions on the best options.
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    Why Would You Want a Harley?

    For me the question is, why wouldn't you want a Harley? :) I know they are often associated with men having a mid life crisis but to me this just reflects taste. They are the coolest brand name because they look good and have the performance record to match.
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    Cleaning a car in Winter

    If you live in an area with ice and snow in winter (and the roads are treated for this) then it has to be a good idea to wash your car often. Corrosives are not much fun for paintwork!
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    Visual extras

    I like the idea of working on the visuals, especially if you don't have the money, time or interest in tweaking the mechanics. Having just seen a story online about someone who spent thousands of dollars on a unique paint job I am wondering, how far is too far?
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    2010 or 2011?

    I would also go for the 2010 model. It is hard to justify buying a brand new model when you know how much value it loses as you drive it from the showroom!
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    Without your cars?

    When I have time off I am quite happy to use public transport. It is nice to be able to go somewhere and not worry about parking and fees. I prefer the convenience of driving when I have to be somewhere at a certain time though.
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    Reducing gas consumption

    I know that carrying things like sports equipment on the roof uses more gas, and it makes sense to take them off if you don't need them. Is there anything else that you don't keep in the car all the time?
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    Bike and sidecar

    Fanbelt, I didn't have the opportunity to ride the bike itself because as you said it is something that you need training for. The guy driving me said it is sometimes hard to corner when the sidecar is empty. I would think the weight of your passenger would matter too.