I love just driving around, even if I have nowhere to go because it's so fun to belt out my favorite songs when driving around. I really get lost in the moment and it's great. Does anyone else drive just to get out?
What do you use your garage for? I personally think I would like to have both our cars in there as well as some of our stuff. I love garages that have enough room for everything :)
What is it with guys wanting to collect cars? I mean, it's not like they need to have so many? It drives me crazy because I think it's such a waste of money, unless you make a ton.
I personally feel that having more than 2 cars when you only have two adults is too much. I don't even drive lol and I have a car. I already think we actually have too many.
I don't know from personal experience but I have heard wonderful things about Sony. I've heard that they last a really long time and that they work forever. My friend actually has one and it was on sale!
I don't. I've always heard that those and Blackberries are major battery drainers and I really need my phone to last a long time so I stick with phones that don't do much other than take pictures and I can talk on.
I was in a wreck not too long ago and I completely drew a blank. I was freaking out, not sure what to do and then it finally hit me that I needed to call the police. Lol.
I like to pretend that I do but I honestly don't. I feel really bad for my car. I've been rough on the poor thing. It's been through hell and back but it still runs so I can't be that terrible lol.
My dog does a really great job in the car. She just kinda sits there by the window with her head out and then she will always get up in the driver's seat whenever we get out of the car haha.
From what I know, they are not illegal because it is your right to know where cops are at all times. I personally think they should be illegal and if they are, then I think that's great because people will speed and put others' lives in danger.
I'm not into sharing my car. The reason behind this is because my car is my everything and if anything happened to it, I would be completely lost. I just don't trust people, lol.
I've only seen one car that had a remote start and I thought it was really awesome. I can't believe there is even that option. Have you guys seen the new cars that can be started from your cell phone? So crazy!
Well, are you still paying on the Tahoe? If not, you would be spending a lot less on gas. Motorcycles are great when it comes to gas. How much is your insurance on each too? Those are some things to consider.
I'm not really sure. Everything is just getting so insanely expensive. I can't believe how much the prices have gone up. I don't see how people are going to even get to work if this keeps up!
It's always best to read the owner's manual. Most cars are good to change every 3,000 or 5,000. It really depends. Sometimes it could be okay to hold off, but I wouldn't risk it.
I think that's extremely rude. Let me tell you, if my fiance ever saw someone doing something like that, he would be out there so fast and giving them an ear-full. That's your car and it's rude to get crap all over it.
I think it's always worth using a cover. Anything that hurts you paint is going to get worse over time and eventually lead to your car rusting, which is no fun... trust me on this one!
In Washington State you can't get pulled over for being on your cell phone but if you get pulled over for something else and you were on your phone then you are going to get a bigger ticket. I think it should be more than a secondary offense because it's very dangerous.
We've been very lucky lately. The weather hasn't been too hot or too cold. I like when the weather is pretty mild like this. It has been a bit chilly in the mornings but nothing major.
I think people just like doing it because it's a rush and they get to show off in front of other people. I know it's terrible on the car and the tires. I would personally never do it because I don't see the point. It's a waste of money.